Be sure to
bring your child home a little something, whether you win a prize or not! For
$15 you can purchase a special plush flower, with a note on it, signed by all
of the RCFES teachers and staff, which you can bring home with you from the
auction for your child. There are a limited number of these special flowers so
be sure to reserve yours now!
March Madness - Boys Clinic is SOLD OUT!!!!
Our PTA has been asked to support an optimal, technology-rich learning environment for our students. Our PTA can support this goal by ensuring our dedicated staff benefit from professional learning experiences that keep them up-to-date on new research on how children learn best, and access to emerging technology tools for classroom use that personalize learning for our children. This work began this year through a partnership with Dr. John O’Flahavan at the School of Education, at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP). Dr. O, as he’s referred to by our students and teachers has visited RCF on a quarterly basis to observe teaching and learning, model new instructional techniques, and guide teachers the application of these strategies in their practice. Our goal for next year is to increase the number of site visits from UMCP mentors. We need all teachers at every grade level to benefit from a monthly coaching session with Dr. O and his team.
Additionally, our PTA must continue to support the use of digital tools for learning in every classroom. Technology has the power to personalize and transform teaching and learning, but as you can imagine, the technology available for use in schools is rapidly changing. Thus, there is a constant need to upgrade devices and software. We also must purchase additional tablets for the early elementary grades (K-2). These grades did not receive chrome books as a result of the school modernization. Just one mobile computer cart alone costs our school approximately $8,000! For next year, we need funds to upgrade technology in grades 3 -5 and purchase tablets for grades K-2.
You can make a direct pledge to support teaching and learning at RCF. During the live auction portion of the evening, our wonderful Principal Ms. Lowndes will provide more information about the use of technology in our classrooms, the partnership with the University of Maryland, and our plans for next year. Your pledge to support teaching and learning at RCF will be part of a separate fund managed by the PTA to support the professional learning and technology enhancements described above.
Make a tax-deductible donation now!
Innovation Lab Contribution |

MYNOR HERRERA’S HEADS OR TAILS – Win a FREE week's Stay at an Ocean City Condo for just $20!!
Heads or Tails. When our auctioneer begins the game, each player will place their hands on their head – or tail! Mynor will toss the coin and announce if it is Heads or Tails. If you chose right, you stay in the game. The coin is flipped in successive rounds until the last two players are standing. The prize for the winner is your choice of two available two-bedroom beach condos. Choose a week (Sunday to Sunday) before Memorial Day weekend or after Labor Weekend. The winner will be required to sign a lease and provide a $150 refundable security deposit to make a reservation.
Win a FREE week in a lovely Ocean City Condo, available from September thru May, for just $20 per person to play. If You Want to Play -- Get ready to take your chances on the flip of a coin. For just $25, sign up to play, every player will take home their own top hat! You are welcome to purchase this ahead of time but you must be in attendance at the event during game time to participate.
Reserve your spot to play now!