Monday, February 15, 2016

Literary Encounters, Autographed Books and Swag for Future Writers and Readers

If your child aspires to become an author, or loves to read, this literary package will inspire and delight them:

Interactive Writing Workshop featuring Peep and Egg by author and RCF Parent Laura Gehl - RCF parent and award-winning children's author Laura Gehl will lead a special interactive writing workshop with your child's class including writing games incorporating elements of improvisational drama. At the end of the workshop, your child will receive a signed, personalized copy of the author's latest book from Macmillan Publishers--Peep and Egg: I'm Not Hatching--along with a prize package including a Peep and Egg poster signed by both author and illustrator, Peep and Egg stickers, a stuffed chick toy, and a few of Peep and Egg's favorite snacks. In addition, the author will read your child's class an advance copy of her next book, Peep and Egg: I'm Not Trick or Treating. Because Peep and Egg: I'm Not Trick or Treating will not hit bookstores until close to Halloween, your child's class will be the first in the entire world to enjoy this story.

Signed and Personalized Book of Choice - Your child will have the opportunity to select from a list of titles, and receive a signed and personalized copy of a book. They may chose books by acclaimed authors Ann McCallum, Hena Khan, Madelyn Rosenberg, and Caroline Hickey including favorites such as Eat Your Science Homework, The Worst Case Scenario: Amazon, Cassie was Here and How To Behave at a Tea Party.

Your child will also receive a basket of books donated by Bookworm, our book fair provider.

Value: Priceless
Donor: Laura Gehl