Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Explore Maryland's Prehistoric Past

Your family will join avocational paleontologist Brady E. Hamilton (an RCF parent) and his family on a trip to collect fossils from the Paleocene Epoch (56-66 million years ago), which occurred shortly (geologically speaking) after the dinosaurs died out. We will meet at the Douglas Point Recreation Management Area, in Charles County, Maryland, exact address to be provided, and from there walk to the outcrop of late Paleocene sediment. Brady will teach you how to search for and preserve the shark teeth, ray plates, fossils casts, crocodile fossils and other fossils that you may find that day. While you walk along an untamed portion of the present-day Potomac, Brady will describe the flora and fauna and landscape that existed when the fossils were still alive. He will also point out some of the present day flora and fauna that call the area home. If you are lucky and depending when we go you may see bald eagles, beavers, turtles and wild turkey. No special equipment is necessary, you will be given a list of suggested items and clothing to bring. Bonus: Take home a sample of preserved fossils from the Maryland’s Paleocene collected by Brady. To train your eye before the trip look them up and identify them on this site: http://www.elasmo.com/paleo/fauna/cb_palaeo.html. 

Donated by: Brady Hamilton
Value: priceless